
Our Mission “To promote inclusive communities where all people belong”

Welcome to our award-winning website!

Designed for YOU! Parents, professionals, advocates, and self-advocates.  Your suggestions, comments, corrections, and feedback are needed to make this all-volunteer website a more valuable resource for everyone! Instead of individuals trying to recreate the wheel, we can help each other build inclusive environments, by sharing experiences, strategies, resources, and problem-solving.  We can work together to change policies and increase awareness. Let’s join together to make a difference!

Inclusion is a term commonly used in education discussions regarding placements for students with disabilities, but it has no legal definition.

Inclusion Flow Chart

In fact, it connotes a much larger global meaning of having an active social membership and a sense of belonging across all environments.

Don't Get IEP'd On What Rights Do Kids Have

Watch some of our favorite videos!
A Credo for Support

I’m Tyler: Ability Awareness

We Recommend Partners in Policymaking for Individuals and Family Members

It is a free program designed to teach people with disabilities and family members the power of advocacy to positively change the way people with disabilities are supported, viewed, taught, live, and work. Since its inception, Partners have worked to expand community opportunities and to hasten many fundamental changes in the nature of supports and services for people with disabilities in areas such as education, employment, civil rights, and community living. Please check with your state’s Protection and Advocacy Organization or other disability rights agencies to locate this great training in your state, or take the free online course from the Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities

Partners in Policymaking Online

Free Online Trainings- 5 online courses: self-determination, family support, community living, assistive technology; history of the treatment of people with disabilities; right to a free appropriate public education; legislative process; supporting meaningful jobs and planning careers.

Information & Resources for People with Disabilities

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